The treatmentprocess of tempered and heststrengthened glass is as whenheating glass close to molten point, to carry out even and rapidcoolingtreatment on the surface of glass, …
The treatmentprocess of tempered and heststrengthened glass is as whenheating glass close to molten point, to carry out even and rapidcoolingtreatment on the surface of glass, …
Laminated glass is of superiorsafety due to the firmtough bond between PVB film and glass. No matte rit isinstalledvertically or aslant, itcanwithstandexternal impact and shieldit.
Insulated glass is a type of glass made up of two or more reliable and high quality low-E tempered glass, separated by a vacuum …
It iskind of special glass, compounded by two or more pieces of glass or by one piece of glass and organicmaterials to meetdifferentfire-resistantlevels.
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