Classification of fire-resistant glass
Composite fire-resistant glass (FFB)
It iskind of special glass, compounded by two or more pieces of glass or by one piece of glass and organicmaterials to meetdifferentfire-resistantlevels.
Single fire-resistant glass (FFB)
It iskind of single transparent glass that has integrity of fire-resistant and canpreventflame and smokefromspreading.
Classification of fire-resistant glass
Type A has the property of fireintegrity, fire-resistance and heatshielding.
Type B canmeet the requirement of fireintegrity and heatrediationintensity.
Type C canmeet the requirement of fireintegrity.
Each of the three types canbedividedinto four levels by fire-resistantproperty – Band I, Band II, Band III and Band IV.
Principles of fire-resistance
After the specialtreatment on common glass by physical and chemicalways to improve thermal shockresistance. It canbeguaranteed not to break underflameshock and hightemperaturewithin 45 to 90 minutes, sothatitcan stop flamefromenteringroomsthroughwindows. People have enough time to leave the scene of fire. The twosides of single fire-resistance glass have the samefire-resistanceeffect. It canincrease the intensity, wind pressure resistance and safetywhenused for the externalwall of buildings.