Laminated glass is of superiorsafety due to the firmtough bond between PVB film and glass. No matte rit isinstalledvertically or aslant, itcanwithstandexternal impact and shieldit. Once itisbroken, its fragments wouldbestuckwithintermediatecoatsothat people will not behurt. Besides, the intergrityismaintained to keepresistingshock, wind and rain.
Sound insulation
Laminated glass canreduce noise withinacousticfrequency range. The unique laminated structure and PVB film has the dampingfunction to soundwave ; itcan control the spread of soundeffectively, and reducelow-frequency and high-frequency noise fromvehicles and aircrafts, etc.
Sunlight and UV resistance
PVB film canbe a UV filter. The intermediate film of PVB canabsortat least 99.5% UV. Special PVB film canalsomake the laminated glass to control the transmission of sunlight, preventingglare and shield UV effectivelysothat indoor furniture, plastic items, textiles, carpets, artwork, antiquities and commercialswillbeprotectedfrom the UV radiation.
Technique and equipment
All the equipment – reverse osmosisultrapure water processing system, three-brushedspecialcleaning machine, rotary-type industrialdehumidifier and high power industrial air condition and dozens of tensthousands class of air cleaning system ensure glass lamination room of constant temperature, humidity and clean sothatquality and useful life of laminated glass iswell-insured.
Otherinterlayer films
EVA – excellent water-resistant performance
EN – simplified techniques, compounds of textile and paper
SGP – super adhesion, composite metalmaterialis of explosion-proof, anti-hurricane and electromagneticshielding.
It looks elegant and graceful if we place PET film withvarious patterns insidelaminated glass. Ice-crack glass is one kind of speciallaminated glass.
Public security
Laminated glass canprotectpersonal and propertysafety. It canavoidstealing and violence. It has variousadaptedintensity for variouspurposes. It cannot single-sidedcut, soi tiseasy to hard to enter by cutting and itiseasy to perceive.
Bullet-proof and explosion-proof
With an excellent flexibility, PVB canadsorb and bearstrikingenermycaused by bullets and evenbombs, sothatbullets and shell fragments cannotpenetrate, and the glass debrisat the back cannothurtothers.
Shakeproof and anti-hurricane
The laminated glass compoundedwith SGP specialintermediatecoatcanresist the attack of hurricane and mitigate the earthquakedisaster